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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Day 5

last dae...i thin i 2 tired liao i woke up then sat n stare at mi nalgene on e table fr lik 0500 min...dunno y thin still slpin aft tat woke up n check time wtf 0645 liao...we suppose wake up at 0600 de lol...then end up all overslpt... lucki jasmine mdm nt here if nt i tell u we no nid go hm liao pump until siao!

k then aft tat went bunk tried 2 rush e ppl all tis but still lkate fr mornin assembly but ok lah managed get back on track aft tat breakfast then area cleaning!!! w00t i thon its e onli time cna mak e blessing ppl high n i did! neva let u all dwn huh...

played water lik siao but oso did our job i personalli thin tat e toilet was quite well done except fr som ppl hu keep usin em even when we hav cleaned it...causin it 2 be dirty all tis... then aft tat went bac sch n had debrief... then went macs makan n home!!! finalli end of advt camp liao!!!can finalli slack n all...haiz...starin 2 miss it liao...hope nxt yr we gt tim organise another advt camp e fr sec 2s... oya n 1 last photo of 2 ZAI!

oya n before i frget!

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 7:31 PM

Day 4 (Nightless...)
ok woke up at abt 0430 cuz baboon alarm rang n he dun wan man...whole canteen woke up then he still slpin...nvm then i found out somthin...baboon go giv yi hui his jacket then tak mine (borrow frm him de) n use it fr himself...wth...nvm...then aft tat we went freshen up onli 2 c campers already up at abt 0600 we went up e campers bunk n "wake" em up n keep em indoors cuz gt CAT 1...n mi n yan yan found out somthin...e guys frm mi class onli slpt 1 hr last nite...cuz they bz applin colgate fr e ppl hu were dirty n used up a whole tube...dam stupid tim slp dun wan then aft tat all dam tired n rowdy...
nxt was breakfast...i thin is bee hoon n cake...had no tim eat so juz tried n finish up a plate in abt 3 mouthfuls n was act 4 n 5 rock wall n low element one, THE WALL N FIDGIT LADDER... n hmmm...its obvious mi class e ppl r totally nt intrested in e games except e water part as they all went off in e middle...had som, tim diciplinin em...

oya n btw if ani of e 2 blessing ppl c tis i must apologise fr being so erm hw u say...strict n fierce 2 u all cuz u all realli veri rowdy then keep runnin off wifout tell mi yea...sry...n btw fr e gurls i nt tryin threathen u all go up e HIgh elements juz tryin encourage cuz none of u wanted go up ani of e high elements then tat defeats ne purpose of comin fr tis camp yea?

aft tat was lunch n i decided 2 switch positions wif yan yan n becom belayer n he becom class fac cuz i cannt reaali control e class n i thin he cna do it better lah...cuz his relation wif em yea becam belayer fr rock wall wif leon so aft lunch went on wif act 6 but suddenli in e middle of act 6 kana CAT 1 then all act stop...then aft tat clement said CAT 3 so continue then CAT 1 again so shelter n again CAT3 so continue n finalli fr e last time clement paged CAT 1...tats when we al dam pek cek nt ani of our fault blame it on e ti no offense man...
so we had campfire prep lah cuz CAT 1 then we tried plannin but cannt so mi n yan yan juz say tis "we tried our best liao e rest is up 2 them..." then we slacked... then aft tat we found out 4 of my men missing in CAT 1 storm which is da dangerous...wth then i nid chiong out in e rain wif a poncho 2 look fr em lah...nw u all no y its so impt 2 tell us ur wherebouts? then finalli found em at abt 30 mins...they were at devotion bunk cuz CAT 1 then dun wan let em move ard so yea...then mi BL n jia hui tired 2 help chariene rara her class a bit by insultin tian min n it worked...W00T...yea aft tat e rain went on till abt 1800 so mi class missed RATS...oso one of e most fun or e onli fun gam...suay lik siao man...then yea aft tat camp fire...suddenli all dam high shld be cuz of e grads help bah...
aft everythin let e ppl OTOT then mi n jia hui went bac toilet ic n slacked again till abt 2345 lik tat then go in off lights...managed get every one out by 0015 which is still earli...then they lights out...
started AAR till abt 0230 which is mi sentry duty shift so went on walkin ard till abt 0400 n tried wakin BL up then h juz sat up so i pass him wakie talkie then e nxt mornin then found out he went bac so no sentry... then before i go slp i cannt find mi slpin bag then saw it being hugged by onli has mi knight instructors shirt as cushion fr mi head...sianz...

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 7:10 PM

Day 3 (Nightless...)
OK...first dae of advt camp! woke up at abt 0445 2 pack mi bag fr advt camp cuz last nite when reach hm 2 tired so juz went 2 slp aft bathin(bet chariene did it mor than once!) n washin mi clothes... then aft tat chiong dwnstairs cuz it was already 0535 when i nid reach sch by 0600 then when reach first floor then found out neva brin nalgene! wtf!!!ran bac up n dwn then sms si jia might be late...but in e end managed 2 arrive on time cuz i went on a taxi...freakin expensive!!!u c gt 1 comfort cab comin so i wave fr it thne suddenli 1 mercs chiong in n stop infront of bo bian must board then e startin price already $3.20 liao... then end up tak 2 sch 5 bucks...usuali i tak is onli $2.80 de loh... dam xin tong...nvm then reached n we juz crap fr awhile n then report outside council rm n all tis then go wait fr campers arrive...aft tat all e rara thins n all till we went off fr JB...
e boardin of buses a bit screw up but still in e end we all managed 21 grab a bus n e instructors gt e biggest bus cuz onli lik 9 plus ppl inside...then we play PSP n eat snacks tat BC brought...then aft tat reach JB...started wif mi job...first open universe...ok found nuthin except tat som neva surrender valuables...then aft tat bunk in...e blessing bois r juz so eager 2 get in their bunks...
aft tat Act 1 single they were ok lah mi class went up play strill gt pattern de juz tat nt tat bonded neva cheer...
nxt lunch then act 2 n 3 but they veri unlucki...act 2 canceled cuz of CAT 1 storm so they missed flying fox, one of e best act... then went fr abseiling...their form teach went up...glad 2 c them cheer, but cuz they dam stubborn dun wan listen 2 mi when i say dun play wif e low elements, e instructor cam dwn n scolded them...
aft tat we had campfire prep...they were quite rowdy bah...dun wan plan onli wan bua ppl...but in e end we managed thin of a skit lah...
nxt was nite act...ok bah juz tat mi class tot it was borin cuz they onli visited 2 stations due 2 time constrain...they dam suay lah...aft tat mi n jia hui toilet ic then cuz still earli so we grab a few mins of rest outside e toilet until abt 2245 then we go in n off lights then e ppl all rush out...
nw campers all slp liao our turn! AAR...then ate n had it at e sam tim...ended at abt 0200 then shower n lights out fr us... mi leon peiling yi hui doggie cum monkey cum piggy BL & baboon went canteen cuz at first gt roti prata curry n bread then all makan thr then aft tat we juz slpt thr e few of us... so slpt at abt 0330 n wakey wakey at abt 0430 so ppl u thin thrs night fr us?

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 6:42 PM

Day/Night 2

haiz...woke up at abt 0600hrs on 2 gain sommor muscles...50 pushups!y?cuz neva lights out in time! ok then aft tat did sm aces n EME (early morning exercise) n had was live belaying!ok lah did quite well fr it i guess, except fr steppin on e ropes a few time... oppps...ok aft tat lunch n then is debrief! lol aft tat started 2 rain n i thin we kana pumped 60 more time fr being yea all HIGH liao! so did aces then all dam ZAI sia...i thin better than e HPT! =P so aft tat i quite dun remember liao so...yea... pictures shall take over nw!

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 6:36 PM

2 ZAI!!! lol so long never update liao...i thin tis post is aft lik 5 months! lol rotted blog sia...but anw since 2 ZAi zai until can mak mi blog seem more "alive" again...i shall do my part and update abt the training camp N sec 2 advt. camp! but first, i shall show u guys a veri veri nice pic...

Zai rite?lol...k lah nw update on e camp liao...

Day/Night 1
woke up at 0622 (24hr format) n burhsed teeth thinkin that it was juz another sch dae when i saw mi camp bag outside at e living rm...i was lik shit wtf 2dae training camp...liao...then rushed 2 sch, onli 2 c almost everyone in e canteen liao...then juz when i reached they call us fallin at e carpark at D&T block in like 2 mins i as usual all e ppl started 2 run then som of us being in UG fr som tim knew tat 2 mins is more than enough so juz went on n strolled slowli towards our destination...then once we reached thr kana screwed! hold pumpin position until everyone arrived even e late comers tat were no whr near YCK yet...but still managed 2 rest mi eyes fr a while (showoff...) until abt a while ltr then start 2 feel abit of sweat comin out liao...(nt so ZAI liao...) so yea tat was when i knew tat tis camp was no whr near wat i expected so must giv gd standard liao...

so aft tat went wow rm help them arrqange tables n chairs then aft tat everyone went in fr briefin n som "story tellin" session whr e "story teller" try 2 compete wif Mr n Mrs Tan so tat we can hear his voice...aft tat split grps...i was in troop 2!lol...then aft tat nid plan 2 cheers n all bah...then we nid think of a name wif respect n dicipline or somthin in it so we used e name of the brand of fire extinguisher...frgt wat was it liao...thin ts knight... or warrior or somthin... then aft tat loaded thins up e bus n headed fr JB...
JB..."Home sweet home" fr e next 5daes 3 nights...sianz... k firstli gt open universe then we gt 2 no of e best trainer ever! Jasmine mdm! COOL! so yea she started tell us she was e DEVIL of HPT so yea...then she proved it... gt us 2 fall in e MPH n out again lik 6 times n on e 3rd it started 2 rain...yea...then we did it in e end lah then she started 2 "nag" a little...then i we had lunch n then sm lessons till dinner... followed by mor lessons, then aft tat Jasmine mdm took over... w00t did abt 100++ pushups aft tat... then finalli lights out...

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 6:15 PM

Omni Slayer...


Sam old thin...
neva 2 break another promise...
nuthin tat i can thin of...


8th January...



1 Devotion '06
Cheryl Ng
Cheryl Phua
Chuan Hsin
Han Chiang
Hui Ling
Kang Ren
Pei Ling
Poh Shen
Qi Quan
Shuang Ling
Shu Fei
Shu Qing
Wei Chen

Skyway Avenue- Acoustic Version - We the Kings
November 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
October 2008
January 2009