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Monday, April 28, 2008

its been a while since i last posted huh?anw nw exam period so will post mor cuz cannt play 2dae had ss n bio papers...kinda lack confidence?

erm e sbq was quite ok bah shld be able 2 score fr tat?but seq kinda screwed up e 13 marks questions?i scared i out of point fr tat...buty e 12 mark saved mi life bah...i hope...

wth...i c e paper i stun tio active waves fr amino acids???i ws lik wth...nt again...then i thin mcq gt 2 wrong le...hypotonic is higher i g0o remmeber lower then hypertonice i lower i go remmeber higher...wasted 1 mark...sianz...but anw still gt a lot of amrks so ya shld look on e bright side...tmr Hmt paper liao...hope i can remmeber e ge shi fr e letter writin properli...sianz...

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 6:40 PM

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Its been a long time since i last posted huh...tis blog's as gd as dead by anws its juz a way 2 spend mi time so i m postin again...

AKE mini expodition AKA MKE or mmmmmmmmmmmke...

reported on the 19th at 4 in sembawang fr e mini ex n juz slacked dwn there fr a while before e mdm cam ask us go report n change into out wet pt attire which i dunno fr wat since we nt goin dwn water e first dae...then went fall in wif e other schs but suay suay sir jing kai ask mi fall out be ic...stress...then count strength suddenli frget e command...wth...shout wrong command but luckili they still do...heng...then aft tat went 2 grass patch then sit n slack then i keep countin strength cuz dun wan tio anithin due to man missin then e master sgt com say i veri gd ic keep countin strength then praise praise praise...then jing kai cam sit beside mi then chat amongst e 4 mstd ppl cuz onli left we four in e second phase...then juz slacked dwn there until dinner went get food but cannt finish cuz ate macs at 3 n dinner was at 4.30...stupid rite?then sit dwn there again until e clt cam n wanted play wif his sch e plp so changed ic...destressed a little playin wif e new ic then went sembawang camp slp...e blankets they provide dam smelli but surprisinli managed 2 slp quite well neva wake up at all in e nite...clement woke mi up by pluckin mi hair...idiot...i swear i will pluck out all his hair when he grows em...then went eat breakfast...wth...giv chilli n soya bean milk earli mornin...then all tio stomach ache aft eatin...then kayaked 2 pasir ris all n bac abt 37 clicks...then one way bac gt category 1 storm hit us in e middle of e sea no shelter then hav 2 keep chiongin if nt will keep goin bac then will seperate frm e rest of e grp...then chiong chiong chiong for quite somtim until e marist ppl tot i frm tanjong katong gt sense of achievement...then afttat beached up on som island n seeked shekter then e rst of e grp cam in then hav 2 quikli do thins so started shoutin at em quickli get their thin n get out of kayaks so can empty their kayaks fr em then they lik all blur blur stop dwn there huh huh huh then sommore e water gt jellyfish...wth...then when emptyn kayak tat tim mi hand touched somthin i tot jellyfish so dropped e kayak end up is sze ting's paddle...scare mi...aft tat went shelter n rested had som cookies n hugged 1 guy along wif gim hwa aft covering him will loadsof life jackets n blanket cuz he say he feel dam cold...loads of body warmth... still had 2 feed him eat biscuit...then e storm stopped n we went bac e sembawang sea trainin center ranked 6th...deproved cuz gt 5h when goin pasir ris... aft tat wash kayaks move kayaks stakc kayaks n fall in n slack then resulkts cam out all phs gt in!!!lol happi sia so forced mr ng treat us all macs which he did...ea 1 student meal...then after tat went wash up n headed 2 mac 2 qiao zha mr ng...=] then finished e go hom bath n eat dinner again before startin 2 tudy geog at 10.30 till 11.30 then cannt tak it so slp...

nxt dae...

woke up felt lik nt goin sch cuz hand achin...but in e end decided 2 go...lucki i go a math learn new thins...first thin first reached sch at 7.10 first tim reach so late cuz slp until 7...then gt mi a math wrk 2 copi...thx rac then went parade square then aft tat was eng mdm loo neva com so mi gimhwa darren lee n dominic was crappin in e canteen n all then chem mr toh neva com so stay there again then som ppl so bhb c mi first tim in e mornin first thin nt say hi is say a wheres mi present...lik i gt buy lik tat...k fine i did...then aft tat pe hand dam stiff cannt swing racket properli lol...sianz...then e rst of e dae was total crap n slp through ss!!!forst tim sia...cuz i gt 12/ quitegd le bah then was math n went do mi smrt n ent d.gray-man n slp frm 4 - 8 wah nite cannt slp...then e fan dam noisy so had 2 wake up n punch it abt 7 times before i fell aslp...stupid fan...luckili e nxt dae change fan if nt i swear i will throw tat dam fan dwn mi hse window...

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 5:43 AM

Omni Slayer...


Sam old thin...
neva 2 break another promise...
nuthin tat i can thin of...


8th January...



1 Devotion '06
Cheryl Ng
Cheryl Phua
Chuan Hsin
Han Chiang
Hui Ling
Kang Ren
Pei Ling
Poh Shen
Qi Quan
Shuang Ling
Shu Fei
Shu Qing
Wei Chen

Skyway Avenue- Acoustic Version - We the Kings
November 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
October 2008
January 2009