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Sunday, November 11, 2007

since i hav been featured in other ppl's blog...i tihn i shall feature som of them as well...since its been so long since i lasted posted...


lol...i duno wat 2 say 2 u...last yr was kinda like enemies wif u but tis yr changed bah dunno is u or mi or both but ya...becam frens n all...u com ncc all tis ya...changed mi view abt u frm last yr...but 1 view did nt n tat is u r gay!!!yes!dun be so gay can...thin of other thins n dun be gay...even if u wan gay can dun gay wif mi...


hmmm...wat can say abt u?well u been a troublsome hollow tis yr man...keep nidin therpy frm aizen...waste mi money lah...bloody hollow...anw ya u hav mood swings last yr start fren fren then enemy enemy then nw com fren fren again...u thin veri fun meh?lol...waste mi reiatsu...2 keep summonin out e dam mask when u hav moodswings...veri tirin de leh...anw...ya u been helpin 2 mi SOMTIMES n i mean somtimes...but ya anw...hav a fun tim wif ur ermhem erhem in ur combi B ya?lol...(u no hu i tokin abt...dun fake...i dun like spellin out names...)

Jeffrey... alot thin wan complain abt u lah!but nvm dun so bad here onli can say gd bad thins...ya anw dun so bu jiang li nxt yr can?dun thin tat u r always rite everydae dae twenty four seven k?cuz u r usualli wrong...n u piss ppl off when u r wrong n insist tat u r rite...ya anw classmates fr nxt yr so ya...will c u fr another yr...tat is if u fail ur appeal...(nt cursin u or anithin...)ya anw gdluck in ur appeal if u fail we all go help u tak appeal form u go submit 40 forms...but if still cannt then 2 bad lah...juz admit defeat bah...u can neva win mrs tan...

Giang Hwee...

hmmm...dunno wat say?firstli must say sry abt wat happened durin e start of e first or second term...ya second term...ya...sry...but anw nw frens again so frget e pass n move on bah...but...if u frget mi present tat u promised mi on e dae u left e china...then no tok le uds???(i sound evil...maybe i should be e hollow...)anw nxt yr diff class le ya so u loner bah lol...but still gt mi hollow lah dun worri...n ya congrats on gettin into combi B bah...tat is if u wanted 2 go in tat is...if nt dun blame mi fr congratin u on e wrong thin...

"Kelvin" Teo...(u shld no hu u r bah...)

well be happi tat u will nt be called kelvin animor nxt yr unless u run into mi in sch tat is...ya...anw u in combi...erm...D!congrats if att e combi u wan 2 get in...but if nt then erm...u hav mi erm...wat u call tat...erm...nvm i pity u then...frgt e word le...ya...


i dunno y i featurin u in tis post but anw...dun be so hard on urself n li hui lah...let nature tak its course...if she dun like u then so be it dun mak life difficult fr both of u n e ppl around u n her lah...anw gdluck fr nxt yr...


lol...dunno say wat 2 u...oya fr starters stop callin mi mao mao can?sounds...childish?i ichigo leh...u call mi mao mao later mi hollow laugh at mi veri mei you mian zi de leh...u uds?if nt nxt tim i call u...erm...zen zen zen...then all ur espadas laugh at u...muahahahaha...


e emo-est person in our class!dun cut ur veins 2 much hoh...later nt enough bloody then whole body becom white color nt nice lol...anw nuthin sya 2 u so ya tat abt all bah...emo-ness...


oso dunn hw u becom mi maria...but anw paid u 5 cents per month until nxt yr le so u must continue be mi maria if nt nid pay mi bac erm...5000 US?can?lol anw congrats on gettin 10?frgt ur position...ya n gd luck in ur relation wif chewy boi...


lol...mi duel master card buyin fren...nxt yr classmates btw where mi ganloak???n u still owe mi 5 bucks fr e bolmeteus...oya n e kejila...i hav decided 2 giv it 2 u nxt yr as ur bdae present...ya provided u giv mi 1 tat is...

Hui Ling...

haven't tok wif u fr a long tim le...tis yr neva tok so much lah...nt like last yr...can chat on phone until mi dad scold abt hw tekan e sec 1s when we tak over e unit...(poor sec 1s...)anw nxt yr diff class again lol but anw hope 2 chat like last tim but nt until so long...maybe juz on msn?anw dun so emo lah be like last yr mor erm...happi go lucki?ya u emo like veri wierd...n oya i will tok ms seh into tak elect geog durin de annual cmap de dun worri...

Li Hui...

c i so gd feature u in mi new blog...anw veri pro hoh call us go swensens eat durin ur bdae then still dare mak us wait until so long fr u return hom hoh...u gd...anw still owe mi 2 bucks...must return...


Hmmm...wat can i say?u have been a gd doggie fr tis yr?at least better than last yr except fr somtimes...but anw overall u get a 100 points fr begin such a gd doggie...over 1 million... -_-III ...


why m i featurin miself?i oso hope tat u...slayer will be a better person nxt yr n nt lik tis yr mak ppl cry n all huh...almost kana strip rank in ncc cuz of tat happi a nt huh?u lucki ms seh is a gd person man...giv u second chance...anw...ya juz change fr e better nxt yr bah...

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 4:47 PM

Hi all its been awhile since i last posted le so ya heres a new post...if u all thin tat it counts tat is... so...changed a new blog cuz of som...erm...unwanted...hw do i say it...som unwanted comments... ya n after blockin n blockin e sam person there is still a new ip everydae so i juz change mi add n since i few like changin mi skin...i changed mi whole blogger will post another 1 after mi ncc camp... or maybe tmr...

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 4:02 AM

Omni Slayer...


Sam old thin...
neva 2 break another promise...
nuthin tat i can thin of...


8th January...



1 Devotion '06
Cheryl Ng
Cheryl Phua
Chuan Hsin
Han Chiang
Hui Ling
Kang Ren
Pei Ling
Poh Shen
Qi Quan
Shuang Ling
Shu Fei
Shu Qing
Wei Chen

Skyway Avenue- Acoustic Version - We the Kings
November 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
October 2008
January 2009