Sunday, January 25, 2009
Form your resolve. Charge
forward. Leave no regrets.
6:19 AM
Today's journal topic: Am I a weak Singaporean?
Firstly, I would have to "decipher" the meaning behind this question, so I have to explain it in my own words. To me, someone who is weak is someone who cannot survive, as in this world, or should I say this society, its survival of the fittest. There is no room for the weak to live in. hence I begin my response to this topic.
I would personally consider myself as a normal Singaporean. What do I mean? I mean that I am neither a strong Singaporean, nor a weak Singaporean. This would sound a little contradicting but that is what I think. Firstly, I can fairly survive in the current society now, as I am doing really well in school, leading the life of a normal guy with friends, and various achievements. Even some awards! This is why I think that I am not weak, as I can survive on my own.
However, I consider myself not as strong, as if I were to be thrown into the society right now, I would not be able to survive. Meaning, if I were to drop out of school and try to lead the life of a normal adult, I would not be able to survive for long. Yes, I do have my savings to help me out, however, with my qualifications; I would not be able to find a suitable job to make ends meet. I would just be left to die on my own. Hence I think that I am not so much of a strong Singaporean.
Hence, I would consider myself a typical Singaporean student who is neither strong nor weak.
Form your resolve. Charge
forward. Leave no regrets.
5:25 AM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Today's journal entry question: Why do I find school boring?
Why do I believe that school is not boring for me?
I think I would choose to go with the second question, what do I believe that school is not boring for me? Firstly, I always feel bored when I am alone at home, and can only turn to the one software that connects people together for help, MSN. it is the only place that I can get a chance to chat with my friends during the school holidays, when I am not going out with them, hence I always yearn for school to start during the holidays, but on the other hand, I would hope that we would not be required to hand in our homework as soon...
Secondly, I feel that school gives us a chance to bond with each other and have fun, whether during lessons, recess, remedial, or CCAs. It all serves to bring one and his or her friends closer together. Hence, school is never boring to me, unless I do not have enough sleep the last night, and that all my friends are away on some camp or course.
Third, coming to school is full of surprises, as no one knows what would happen the next day, or what surprises they would find in their food. That is precisely what makes life in school "fun", exciting, and, how do I put it... mysterious? Just take yesterday for example.
I was just having my recess like another day with my bunch of friends, which was beginning to feel boring to me, when something happened. I found something inside my food! Actually it’s not exactly so "exciting" as I was kind of expecting it when I saw what seemed like a cockroaches' head. But still I started to play with it like I always do with my food, and accidentally flipped it over. Then my friend started to scream. I found half a cockroach in my meat! So yea my friend and I went to the store to show the vendor and got a new plate of rice, but I was too full so I started staring at the new portion of meat and found... the second half of it!
I was completely stunned at that time and my friend started screaming yet we went to return the plate of rice and got my refund, but was reprimanded by the vendor who claims that it was too much of a coincidence, and that we were playing a prank on her, living in a state of denial that her food had cockroaches in it.
So this is the kind of things that happens in my life, in school that makes me believe that I am not bored in school, even though I sincerely wish that the food incident would not happen to me again.
Form your resolve. Charge
forward. Leave no regrets.
4:02 AM
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Since you guys have been saying that i have not been updating my blog so often, i shall make it into my English assignment blog... this way it will be updated weekly!
Anyway, now here is my English assignment:How can you become and continue becoming to be becoming?
you cannot understand it right? Me too at first but here is my reflection on it after discussing with my brain for quite some time...
P.S. please only start your grading when my answer starts and not before... thank you...]
Ans: After much thinking about this question I had some sort of a "breakthrough" on it finally beginning to understand it a little, and with some help from my friend, I was able to have a clearer view of the "hidden meaning" in this question.
Here is my interpretation. How can I reach a goal or become something, and continue to try and achieve that goal or to become something. Confusing? Yes when I repeat it over a few times in my mind... But anyway, here is what I have to say to this question. Being a cadet in the national cadet corps in PHS, I have worked hard to achieve my rank as of now, as a 1st Sergeant and the post of basic ones, or secondary one cadet's section commander. I personally hope that in this coming year, I would able to become a role model to the new cadets, and also inspire them so that they will be able to have a breakthrough, and rise in ranks, leadership, and also mature in their thinking as time pass.
Now for the second part, I would think that the only way I can continue becoming to be becoming is to work hard on both my studies and my CCA, showing them what should and should not be done. I must also change the way I carry myself in front of them so that they would not be influenced by the "other" side of me.
This is about all that I have to say, how I interpreted the question, and also answer it. Hope you are satisfied with this answer.
Jason Tan...
Form your resolve. Charge
forward. Leave no regrets.
4:32 AM
Okay ppl 2dae is my bdae i dunno wat 2 here goes...
thx to e ppl hu wished mi happi bdae by sms:
(by order of earliest 2 latest...)
Si jia 2230
eileen 0503
yi hui 0517
huai pin 0603
valerie chen 0608
jessica chuah 0615
chariene 0628
rachel 0835
kezia 1427
i realli dunno wat 2 post so i added e time... =_="
Next thx 2 e ppl hu wished mi by mouth:
(no order cuz i cannt rmb hu wished first...)
NCC ppl...
4 Grace guys n gurls...
Now e presents givin ppl:
Eileen n Yi Hui...
tats abt all so yea thx had a nice dae?n finalli updated my blog...
Form your resolve. Charge
forward. Leave no regrets.
12:33 AM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Day 5
last dae...i thin i 2 tired liao i woke up then sat n stare at mi nalgene on e table fr lik 0500 min...dunno y thin still slpin aft tat woke up n check time wtf 0645 liao...we suppose wake up at 0600 de lol...then end up all overslpt... lucki jasmine mdm nt here if nt i tell u we no nid go hm liao pump until siao!
k then aft tat went bunk tried 2 rush e ppl all tis but still lkate fr mornin assembly but ok lah managed get back on track aft tat breakfast then area cleaning!!! w00t i thon its e onli time cna mak e blessing ppl high n i did! neva let u all dwn huh...
played water lik siao but oso did our job i personalli thin tat e toilet was quite well done except fr som ppl hu keep usin em even when we hav cleaned it...causin it 2 be dirty all tis... then aft tat went bac sch n had debrief... then went macs makan n home!!! finalli end of advt camp liao!!!can finalli slack n all...haiz...starin 2 miss it liao...hope nxt yr we gt tim organise another advt camp e fr sec 2s... oya n 1 last photo of 2 ZAI!
oya n before i frget!
Form your resolve. Charge
forward. Leave no regrets.
7:31 PM

Day 4 (Nightless...)
ok woke up at abt 0430 cuz baboon alarm rang n he dun wan man...whole canteen woke up then he still slpin...nvm then i found out somthin...baboon go giv yi hui his jacket then tak mine (borrow frm him de) n use it fr himself...wth...nvm...then aft tat we went freshen up onli 2 c campers already up at abt 0600 we went up e campers bunk n "wake" em up n keep em indoors cuz gt CAT 1...n mi n yan yan found out somthin...e guys frm mi class onli slpt 1 hr last nite...cuz they bz applin colgate fr e ppl hu were dirty n used up a whole tube...dam stupid tim slp dun wan then aft tat all dam tired n rowdy...
nxt was breakfast...i thin is bee hoon n cake...had no tim eat so juz tried n finish up a plate in abt 3 mouthfuls n was act 4 n 5 rock wall n low element one, THE WALL N FIDGIT LADDER... n hmmm...its obvious mi class e ppl r totally nt intrested in e games except e water part as they all went off in e middle...had som, tim diciplinin em...
oya n btw if ani of e 2 blessing ppl c tis i must apologise fr being so erm hw u say...strict n fierce 2 u all cuz u all realli veri rowdy then keep runnin off wifout tell mi yea...sry...n btw fr e gurls i nt tryin threathen u all go up e HIgh elements juz tryin encourage cuz none of u wanted go up ani of e high elements then tat defeats ne purpose of comin fr tis camp yea?
aft tat was lunch n i decided 2 switch positions wif yan yan n becom belayer n he becom class fac cuz i cannt reaali control e class n i thin he cna do it better lah...cuz his relation wif em yea becam belayer fr rock wall wif leon so aft lunch went on wif act 6 but suddenli in e middle of act 6 kana CAT 1 then all act stop...then aft tat clement said CAT 3 so continue then CAT 1 again so shelter n again CAT3 so continue n finalli fr e last time clement paged CAT 1...tats when we al dam pek cek nt ani of our fault blame it on e ti no offense man...
so we had campfire prep lah cuz CAT 1 then we tried plannin but cannt so mi n yan yan juz say tis "we tried our best liao e rest is up 2 them..." then we slacked... then aft tat we found out 4 of my men missing in CAT 1 storm which is da dangerous...wth then i nid chiong out in e rain wif a poncho 2 look fr em lah...nw u all no y its so impt 2 tell us ur wherebouts? then finalli found em at abt 30 mins...they were at devotion bunk cuz CAT 1 then dun wan let em move ard so yea...then mi BL n jia hui tired 2 help chariene rara her class a bit by insultin tian min n it worked...W00T...yea aft tat e rain went on till abt 1800 so mi class missed RATS...oso one of e most fun or e onli fun gam...suay lik siao man...then yea aft tat camp fire...suddenli all dam high shld be cuz of e grads help bah...
aft everythin let e ppl OTOT then mi n jia hui went bac toilet ic n slacked again till abt 2345 lik tat then go in off lights...managed get every one out by 0015 which is still earli...then they lights out...
started AAR till abt 0230 which is mi sentry duty shift so went on walkin ard till abt 0400 n tried wakin BL up then h juz sat up so i pass him wakie talkie then e nxt mornin then found out he went bac so no sentry... then before i go slp i cannt find mi slpin bag then saw it being hugged by onli has mi knight instructors shirt as cushion fr mi head...sianz...
Form your resolve. Charge
forward. Leave no regrets.
7:10 PM